Organization Structure
The National Policy of Education (NPE) 1986, emphasized that distance education is an important medium for the development and promotion of higher education. In this context, for the expansion and promotion of distance education the Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE), Govt. of India took an important decision that in the VIIIth  year plan every state should establish a state open university following the distance education pattern. On this basis Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University (MPBOU) was established under an Act of State Assembly in 1991.

Hon'ble Shri Mangubhai C. Patel
Governor of Madhya Pradesh
M.P. Rajbhavan

Hon'ble Shivraj Singh Chouhan
Chief Minister,
Govt. of M.P.

Hon'ble Dr Mohan Yadav
Higher Education Minister,
Govt. of M.P.

Dr. Sanjay Tiwari
Vice Chancellor

Board of Management
Member -Board of Management Click
Members of the Board of Management other than ex-officer's members shall hold office for a period of three years. Five, members of the Board of Management shall from a quorum. Subject to the provisions of the Act, and Statues, Ordinances and Regulation made there under, the Board of Management shall have the following powers and perform the following duties namely:-
  • to manage and administrator the revenue and property of the University and to conduct all administrative affairs of the University.
  • to create teaching and other academic posts and to define the functions and conditions of services of Professors, Registrar, Lectures and other teachers and other academic staff employed by the University.
  • to prescribe qualifications for teachers and other academic staff in time with the norms set by U.G.C.
  • to approve the appointment of such Professors, Readers, Lectures and other teachers and academic staff as may be necessary on the recommendations of the selection committee constituted for the purpose.
  • To approve appointments to temporary vacancies of any academic staff.
  • To specify the manner of appointment to temporary vacancies of any staff.
  • To provide for the appointment of the Visiting Professors, Follows, Artists and Writers and determine the terms and conditions of such appointment.
  • To manage and regulate the finance, accounts, investments property of the University and all other affairs of the University and to appoint such as other agents as may be considered fit.
  • To invest money belonging to the University including any unapplied income, in such stocks, funds, shares or securities as it thinks fit in the purchase of immovable properties in India with like power varying such investment from time to time, provided that no action under this clause shall be taken without consulting the Finance Committee.
  • To create administrative, Ministerial and other necessary posts after taking into account the recommendations of the Finance Committee and to specify the manner of appointment there to.
  • To regulate and enforce discipline amongst the employees in accordance with the statutes and ordinances.
  • To transfer or accept transfers of any immovable or movable property on behalf of the University.
  • To entertain, adjudicate upon or regress the grievances of the employees and the students of the university who may for any reason feel aggrieved.
  • To fix the recommendations payable to course writers, counselors, examiners and invigilators and traveling and other allowances payable, after consulting the Finance Committee.
  • To select the common seek for the University and to provide for the use of such seal.
  • To delegate any of its powers to the Kulpati, Registrar, Finance Officer or other Officers, employee or authority of the University and to a committee appointed by it.
  • To institute fellowship, scholarship, studentships
  • To exercise such other powers and perform such other functions as may be conferred or imposed on it by the Act or the statutes.

The Board of Management shall exercise all the powers of the University not otherwise provided by the Act, Statute, Ordinances and the Regulations for the fulfillment of the objects of the university.

Vice Chancellor

Dr. Sanjay Tiwari
assumed the charge of Vice Chancellor MPBOU, on Oct. 4th 2022.
Curriculam Vitae

Planning Board

The planning board shall consist of the following members.

  • The Kulpati-ex-office-Chairman.
  • Two Directors/Regional Director of the Vishwavidhalaya to be nominated by the Kulpati by rotation and seniority.
  • Two head of the Departments to be nominated by the Kulpati by rotation and seniority.
  • Two One scholar of repute in the field of distance Education not connected with the Vishwavidhalaya nominated by the academic council.
  • To representatives from Agriculture/Laboratories/Commerce/Industry/Life Science to be nominated by the Kuladhipati.
  • Secretary Government of Madhya Pradesh Finance Department or his nominee not below the rank of Deputy Secretary.
  • Secretary Government of Madhya Pradeh Higher Education Department or his nominee not below the rank of Deputy Secretary.
  • Registrar of the Vishwavidhalaya- Member Secretary.

Five members of the planning Board shall from a quorum. The term of the Academic Planning and Evaluation Board shall be three years.

In addition to the functions specified in the Act, the Planning Board shall have the following powers and perform the following duties-

  • To prepare the short terms and long term plan of the University.
  • To consider and to forward to the Board of Management its recommendations, the research projects and academic programmes proposed by the departments and to bring about inter department coordination for taking up projects on departmental basis.
  • To suggest new academic programmes to the faculties.
  • To make proposals for the establishment of departments, institutions of research and specialized studies laboratories and museums.
  • To make proposals for the institution of teaching posts and for prescribing the duties of such posts.
  • To evaluate from time to time the working of the departments.
  • To evaluate periodically the progress of the plan.

Academic Council

I. Structure of the Academic Council

(1) The Academic Council shall consist of the following members, namely,

(i) Vice-Chancellor, Chairman,

(ii) Three Directors/Professors/Regional Directors to be nominated by the Board of Management on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor.

(iii) Three faculty/visiting faculty or officials of the University each associated with any three major projects under the University, to be nominated by the Board of Management on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor.

(iv) Not more than two teachers, other than Directors/Professors/Regional Directors to be nominated by the Board of Management on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor.

(v) A Registrar, designated by the Board of Management, shall be the Member Secretary of the Academic Council; and

(vi) Not more than five persons, who are not employees of the University, co-opted by the Academic Council for their special knowledge in the field of industries, trade and commerce, academic and professional organizations, communication etc.

Provided that the total membership of the Academic Council shall not exceed fifteen.

(2) The members of the Academic Council, other than ex-officio members, shall hold office for a term of two years from the date of their nomination or co-option, as the case may be.

(3) Six members of the Academic Council shall form the quorum for a meeting

II. Powers of the Academic Council

Subject to the Act, the Statutes and the Ordinances, the Academic Council shall have the following powers namely;

(a) To exercise general supervision over the academic policies of the University and to give directions regarding methods of instruction, evaluation or research or improvement in academic standards;

(b) To consider matters of general academic interest either on its own initiative or on a reference from the Planning Board or a Department or the Board of Management and to take appropriate action there on; and

(c) To frame such regulations and rules consistent with the Statutes and the Ordinances regarding the academic functioning of the University, including discipline, admissions, award of fellowships and studentships, and other academic matters as mentioned in the Act.

Provided that all matters relating to research shall under the overall guidance and supervision of the Academic Council be the responsibility of a Research Council whose functions and composition shall be provided in the Ordinances.

Board of Study
Faculty of IT & Computer
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Art & Humanities
Faculty of Commerce & Management
Faculty of Library Science, Journalism & Education
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